Its time for holidays and when you have a big family or friends with whoom you plan to travel you have to choose a bigger vehicle to travel for your tour, In such case you can hire 27 Seater Mini bus from us in Delhi. A 27 Seater mini bus can accommodate upto 27 Person and if you are looking for some option in which you need a vehicle which can be used for your tour above 15 person to 27 person in that case 27 Seater mini bus is the best option to hire. The charges for hiring a 27 seater mini bus from Delhi to your proffered location where you want to travel are calculated according to the number of days you want to visit to a location.
in Peak season the availability of 27 Seater mini bus increases and we advice our customers that they should book 27 seater mini bus in advance so that at last moment there is no hurdle of not getting a vehicle for their tour. At anytime you can call our customer care representative at 9818879368 about hiring a 27 seater mini bus from delhi or Noida. The photos showing on this page are the photoes of 27 Seater mini bus which we will provide on rent for your tours. If you need to know the complete cost of the charges about hiring a 27 seater mini bus from delhi you can drop us a email about your tour plan at support@journeydeal.com and our expert will reply to your query within 24 Hours of your request.
This bus is a good option to hire for tours when the number of travellers increase and a 12 seater or 15 seater tempo traveller is not enough to accommodate during the travel.